Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

tugas bhs inggris bisnis 2 tugas ke 4

Relative Clause Types
Like wh-questions, relative clauses come in two major types:  (1) those that have the relative pronoun as the subject of the clause and (2) those that have the relative pronoun as something other than the subject of the clause (object or complement or object of a preposition). 
In addition, relative clauses can be added to nouns in just about any part of a sentence--at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of sentences.  Let's analyze the location and type of relative clause in each of the following sentences:
1. I bought a book that was highly recommended by my sister.
2. I bought a book that my sister recommended.
3. The book that is required for this workshop comes highly recommended.
4. The book that my sister recommended was quite useful.

1 I bought a book that was highly recommended by my sister.
Core sentence
I bought a book.
Sentence that became the relative clause
The book was highly recommended by my sister.
Relative Pronoun Function
subject of the relative clause
Location of the relative clause
it's at the end of the sentence--attached to the noun that's the direct object--part of the large noun phrase that is the direct object


2 I bought a book that my sister recommended.
Core sentence
I bought a book.
Sentence that became the relative clause
My sister recommended the book.
Relative Pronoun Function
direct object of the relative clause
Location of the relative clause
it's at the end of the sentence--attached to the noun that's the direct object--part of the large noun phrase that is the direct object


3 The book that is required for this workshop comes highly recommended.
Core sentence
The book comes highly recommended.
Sentence that became the relative clause
The book is required for this workshop.
Relative Pronoun Function
subject of the relative clause
Location of the relative clause
it's at the beginning of the sentence--attached to the noun that's the subject--part of the large noun phrase that is the subject of the sentence


4 The book that my sister recommended was quite useful.
Core sentence
The book was quite useful.
Sentence that became the relative clause
My sister recommended the book.
Relative Pronoun Function
direct object of the relative clause
Location of the relative clause
it's at the beginning of the sentence--attached to the noun that's the subject--part of the large noun phrase that is the subject of the sentence

Exercise 37

1.       Whose

2.       Whose

3.       Which you spoke yesterday

4.       Who the highest in the school

5.       What

6.       Who

7.       Whose

8.       Whose

9.       What

10.   What

11.   Whose

12.   What

13.   Whose

14.   That

15.   Whose

 Exercise 38

1. George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention.

2. All of the money was accepted has already been released.

3. The papers on the table belong to patricia.

4. The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime.

5. The gril drinking coffee is Mary Allen.

6. John’s wife, a professor, has written several papers on this subject.

7. The man talking to the policeman is my uncel.

8. The book on the top shelf is the one that i need.

9. The number of students have been countrd is quite high.

10. Leo Evans, a doctor, eats in this restaurant every day.

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Tugas materi bhs inggris Bulan ke 3

Pengertian dari pasif voice
Passive Voice is a sentence that his subject is a job or suffered a. In other words, the sentence is subject to the target activity expressed by the verb. Indonesian in the characteristics of passive sentences are verbs that start with "in-".
Pengertian dari Active Voice
Active Voice is the subject of his sentence doing some thing or do a job. In Indonesian traits active sentence is the verb always beginning with "me".
Active : Jane helps Tina
Pasive : Tina is helped by Jane.

exercise 36 Causative verbs

  1. The teacher made Juan leaves the room.
  2. Toshiko had her car repaired by a mechanic.
  3. Ellen got Marvin to type her paper.
  4. I made Jane call her  friend on the telephone.
  5. We got our house to paint last week.
  6. Dr. Byrd is having the students write a composition.
  7. The policeman made the suspect lie on the ground.
  8. Mark got his transcripts to send to the university.
  9. Maria is getting her hair to cut tomorrow.
  10. We will have to get the Dean sign this form.
  11. The teacher let Al leave the classroom.
  12. Maria got Ed to wash the pipettes.
  13. She always has her car fixed by the same mechanic.
  14. Gene got his book published by a subsidy publisher.
  15. We have to help Janet to find her keys.

Rabu, 10 April 2013

Tugas Bahasa. Inggeris Bisnis 2 Bulan ke-2 (Definition & Exercise 33-34)

The definition is a statement of the essential characteristics of a thing, and usually more complex than the meaning, significance, or meaning of something. There are different types of definitions, one of which is a common word in the dictionary definition (lexical definition).
The definition consists of:
1.definisi nominalist
2.definisi realist
3.definisi practical
            Another definition of information is to analsis the type and nature of distinguishing it contains. Genera's call to bring our minds, because the genera of an item or object will be easily recognizable, including what group, and the mention of differentia we will come to understand that we define the word. Using the example above, we can see that the father is the definiendum while the male parent is the definiens, we can differentiate to become parents as genera and men as differentia.
            definition good must meet the following requirements:
1.      Formulate a clear, complete and concise all the basic elements (content) certain sense.
2.      Ie elements that are necessary and sufficient to know what exactly that stuff (no more and no less).
3.      Thus clearly distinguishable from all other goods.
Each definition should have 2 sections, namely:

     Something that will be defined, which is known as the definiendum
     The explanation that explains something, which is known as the definiens

Example: father = parental males

In each definition is divided into two, namely:
genera (genus), in Indonesian known as type
differentia (difference), in Indonesian known as the distinguishing properties

So defining a word is to analyze the type and nature of distinguishing it contains. Genera's call to bring our minds, because the genera of an item or object will be easily recognizable, including what group, and the mention of differentia we will come to understand that we define the word. Using the example above, we can see that the father is the definiendum while the male parent is the definiens, we can differentiate to become parents as genera and men as differentia.

Exercise 33: Because/Because Of (Hal. 121)
1. Because Of
2. Because Of
3. Because Of
4. Because
5. Because
6. Because
7. Because Of
8. Because Of
9. Because Of
10. Because Of

Exercise 34: So/Such (Hal. 124)
1. So
2. Such
3. So
4. So
5. So
6. So
7. Such
8. So
9. Such
10. Such
11. So
12. So
13. Such
14. So
15. So